Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Trip to the Strip

After arriving at the Strip District in Pittsburgh you are overcome with a sense of pride that the people in this area have for their various shops and restaurants that they dedicate their time and effort into. After hopping of the bus at 17th street I started to make my way to Penn Ave where the Strip runs through. It didn’t take long
for me to see a beautiful and historical part of the Strip. I passed Saint Patrick’s Church. It had a beautiful garden in front of it and was preserved so nicely it gave me a good feeling about this area right from the beginning.

As we made our way down the street I could smell all the different aromas from the different restaurants. The Strip is home to all sorts of ethnic foods such as Italian, Mexican, Asian,

Greek and I’m sure many more. You wouldn’t have any trouble finding a place to try something new and tasty and the delicious smells will pull you in! When passing these places and seeing the people you realize that they pride themselves in preserving their culture. Also located in the Strip are some popular landmarks to Pittsburgh such as Pennsylvania Macaroni Company, and the famous Primanti Brother’s Restaurant.

Not only are there restaurants, but there are so many little markets and shops that you can explore. Myself being a shopaholic, I found the shops to be my favorite part and could not get enough of perusing through the unique and crafty items they carried, or the great amount of jewelry lining the walls. From the colorful scarves and crazy hats to the handcrafted knick knacks, there was bound to be something to catch your eye. There were also stores bursting with Pittsburgh Steeler’s gear just proving how much the people love their city's football team.

By the end of my trip I had come to the conclusion that the Strip District is a wonderful area filled with food, culture, and tradition. The people there could not have been friendlier and I cannot wait to make another trip there. If you plan on stopping by I suggest you go on a Saturday when it is most lively and it feels like you are at festival. The Strip District is a must-see in Pittsburgh!

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